We’re at the forefront of policy development and regularly respond to Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament consultations on issues such as transport, accessibility, education and healthcare.

By working with blind and partially sighted people, we put forward their views to inform new policies and legislation. 

Consultation Responses

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans response to consultation on The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill May 2024

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans response to consultation on The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill.

Sight Scotland's response to the Consultation on the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill April 2024

Sight Scotland's response to the Consultation on the Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill.

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans consultation response: inclusive design for town centres and busy streets March 2024

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans response to consultation on guidance on inclusive design for town centres and busy streets.

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans Consultation Response Commissioner for Older People Oct 2023

Consultation on the proposal for a Commissioner for Older People October 2023

Sight Scotland Consultation Response Transitions Oct 2022

Sight Scotland response to the Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions to Adulthood) (Scotland) Bill.

Sight Scotland Consultation Response Pavement Parking 2023

Scotland’s Pavement Parking Prohibitions: Consultation on Enforcement Regulations for Local Authorities. A public consultation has been published on the proposed content of the Enforcement Regulations for the new parking prohibitions


Enhancing Accessibility Venues and Visual Impairment (Word)

This report has been co-produced and highlights best practices and makes recommendations to make events spaces more accessible to best meet the needs of blind and partially sighted people (Word document version).

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on blind and partially sighted people

Report on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on blind and partially sighted people

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on blind and partially sighted people, Accessible Word document

Report on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on blind and partially sighted people.

Consultation Documents

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans response to consultation on The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill May 2024

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans response to consultation on The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill.

Response to Equality & Human Rights Committee: Covid-19 inquiry

11 June 2020 - People living with visual impairment have been significantly and disproportionately affected by the virus and the response to it.

Response to Covid-19 Committee Inquiry

22 May 2020 - Our submission focuses on three questions the Committee set out in its call for evidence.

Response to consultation on Scotland's AI Strategy

8 May 2020 - The Scottish Government ran a consultation on its Articial Intelligence Strategy. Eye health is an area where AI has particular potential to deliver ground-breaking progress, and the benefits are already being realised.

Response to Education & Skills Committee inquiry into the wellbeing of vulnerable children

24 April - Royal Blind welcomes the decision of the Education and Skills Committee to prioritise the wellbing of vulnerable children and young people during the Coronavirus outbreak as one immediate focus for its work.

Response to Health & Sport Committee inquiry into Social Care

20 February 2020 - The Health & Sport Committee carried out an inquiry into social care for adults over 18 years. It is important that person-centred social care is guided by an inclusive, human rights-based approach.

Response to Social Security - Draft Mainstreaming Equality Outcomes

31 January 2020 - As part of the development of the first Equality Strategy, Social Security Scotland asked for views on its draft mainstreaming equality outcomes.

Response to proposed Disabled Children and Young People (Transitions) (Scotland) Bill

23 January 2020 - Sight Scotland welcomes the proposal for a Transitions Bill. Managing transitions is consistently one of the biggest challenges for the children and young people we work with.

Response to Transport Strategy Consultation

23 October 2019 - The Scottish Government launched a consultation on its vision for the future of transport for the next 20 years. We took the opportunity to highlight a number of issues of concern for people with visual impairment.

What should primary care look like for the next generation?

28 August 2019 - The Health & Sport Committee sought views on its inquiry into primary care.