The Board
Our trustees are a body of volunteers who hold the full financial and legal responsibility for everything Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans deliver.
They are required to ensure that everything done by the two charities is solely and genuinely in pursuits of their goals. This includes maintaining a high standard of corporate governance, overseeing all we do, and ensuring we spend your money wisely.
Our trustees bring a wide range of knowledge, expertise and experience to the organisation and approve our strategic plans, annual budgets and annual accounts.
Patron of Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans
His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, KG GCVO
Our Chair
Our Trustees
Aidan McCorry
Aidan has extensive knowledge of both the public and third sectors, having worked as Chief Executive at Deaf Action, as Project Manager at Scottish Enterprise and as Director of Corporate Services at Apex Scotland.
Andrew McCall
Andrew is the Out of Hours Service Manager at NHS Forth Valley
David McArthur
David is the Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions for NHS Orkney.
Dianne-Dominique Theakstone
Dr Dianne-Dominique Theakstone is currently studying towards a master’s in social work at Strathclyde University. Her lived experience of visual impairment due to Retinoblastoma has driven her passion for disabled people’s rights.
Gordon Michie
Gordon is a veteran who has 20 years of experience of managing and operating businesses in the UK, Europe and North America.
Graeme Bold
Convener of the Finance and Investment Committee
Graeme is a qualified Actuary and is Director of Workplace Pensions at Scottish Widows
Jim McCafferty
Jim is a former Royal Blind School pupil and was a Sight Scotland employee for 46 years. He has been extensively involved with a wide variety of organisations of and for blind people throughout Scotland.
Jo Nove
Jo is an experienced leader and is the Director of Strategy, Communications, and Brand at Myeloma UK, a UK-wide blood cancer charity.
Laraine Aikman
Laraine trained as a nurse and after leaving the service of the NHS, spent many years working in Medical Affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Liz Porterfield
Vice Chair of the Board
Liz Porterfield worked for the Scottish Government Health & Social Care Directorates as Head of Strategic Planning and Clinical Priorities until her retirement in 2017.
Sif Rai
Sif is a technology leader who in her varied career has supported a diverse range of tech companies through key growth stages.
Stephanie Phillips
Convener of the Audit and Risk Committee
Stephanie is the Director of Service Delivery at NHS 24.