David serves on the Clinical Governance and Assurance Committee.
David is the Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions for NHS Orkney. He is also NHS Orkneys Veterans Champion and works with the Scottish Government advising on priority care for Veterans.
As a health care professional, his area of specialisms are an eclectic mix including Psychiatry, Operating Theatres and Intensive Care. He was the Executive Nurse Director for the Louisa Jordan Hospital which formed part of the Scottish Government's Covid response.
He has a varied experience between the Third Sector, Army Medical Services Reserve, and the NHS. His Third Sector experience includes roles within Erskine Hospital and a Chief Executive appointment with Trefoil House in Edinburgh.
David was a long-term Reservist with extensive operational experience in Iraq and Afghanistan where he held clinical and staff appointments including Command of the Camp Bastion Field Hospital. He retired from the Reserves in 2019 as the Brigadier, Head of the Army Medical Services Reserves.
He was awarded an OBE in 2011, he holds a Master's Degree from Kings College London, and is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow.