Fill in this form to refer someone with sight loss. We are here to support people experiencing challenges caused by visual impairment. 

We ask some basic information, so we can start to think about the ways we help. Once completed, we will be in touch directly with you, and the person referred. We will have a chat about what we can offer, and how we can assist. 

When referring someone, we request that you have confirmed their consent with them first. 

Support for someone you know

To refer someone you know for support please complete the details below by ticking the box to confirm.

We are here to help anyone with sight loss individuals affected by sight loss, their families, or carers.

If you need support then please use the support for you page to contact us.

Before proceeding, please ensure you have the individual’s permission to make this referral.

Details of the person needing support

Your details

If you are referring as a professional
We would like to keep in touch so we can keep you updated on all the charity’s news and events.

By submitting this form, I consent to Sight Scotland processing my enquiry and to handling the data provided in line with their Privacy Notice. For more details, visit the Privacy Notice page.