Louise is celebrating an important anniversary. It's been 10 years since she first started at Kidscene, as a play worker. Now play leader for the service, Louise has seen a few changes – not least in the number of children coming through the doors.
“When I first started there were three kids attending the club and now we see 35 a day!” she explained.
Kidscene is our after-school club, based on our Royal Blind School campus. The club is open to children with and without disabilities and brings pupils from our school together with other children from our local community.
“This job means a lot to me,” says Louise. “Kidscene is a one of a kind after school club in Scotland and I think it’s amazing to be part of something so special.
“I do this job because I get to see children grow and learn every day and to see the bonds that are made between the children with disabilities and the children without."

“I love to see the children all interacting with each other, there’s no stigma there, just curiosity and once the question have been asked like ‘what is that machine for’ or ‘why can’t this person walk’ the children are quite happy just to get on with their day.”
What it’s like to work in Kidscene
There’s no real typical day in a job like this, but it generally starts with a catch up with Kidscene manager, Lisa, discussing the previous day and the plan for the day ahead. Louise works with the team and oversees day-to-day activities. She spends most of her time in the messy room (a favourite with the children who attend!) and the playroom, but will also spend time in the courtyard, sensory garden, light sensory room or soft play: “My workspace is a lot of fun!”
“The best thing about this job is that no 2 days are the same when it comes to the children, one day it’s all Minecraft and Pokémon and the next it’s something completely different.”
The skills for the job
To do the job well, Louise suggests, “You have to have thick skin.
“When it comes to working with children and young people, they have no filter and if there’s a day when you’re maybe feeling off or haven’t had the best sleep, the children will be sure to tell you that you’re not looking your best!
“I would also say that you have to be able to think quick, things can change very suddenly and being able to keep calm and come up with a solution/distraction is a must.”
To make sure things run smoothly, communication is key. “Things change, messages happen throughout the day so it’s vital that communication is happening between the staff,” says Louise.

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