Redress Statement
Sight Scotland has decided to participate in a scheme launched by the Scottish Government on 8 December 2021 for survivors of historic child abuse in care in Scotland.
We recognise the importance of the establishment of Redress Scotland to acknowledge and provide reparation for the damage caused by historic child abuse for survivors. We understand the importance of the role survivors of abuse have themselves played in making the case for this scheme to be established. We wish to play our role in acknowledging as a country the damage caused by historic abuse in Scotland and in apologising for failing to ensure every young person in care was protected from abuse and the suffering it has caused.
We were very saddened to learn in September 2018 that the Royal Blind School had been added to the list of organisations which were the focus of investigation by the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. We stated then that we would fully cooperate with the process of the Inquiry. We will take the same approach of openness and engagement with Redress Scotland. This reflects our recognition of the importance of safeguarding in our services today and the ethos we have established in current service provision which respects the rights and dignity of everyone we support.
We also understand that the emphasis we place on safeguarding today cannot undo the damage caused to anyone who has been the victim of historic abuse. We wish to offer heartfelt and unreserved apologies for anyone who suffered abuse while in the care of the Royal Blind School. A copy of the letter that we have sent to the Deputy First Minister of Scotland to confirm and explain our decision to participate is available here.
For more information on how to apply and to start the application process:
For statutory guidance, participation information and the contributor list:
Support for survivors of abuse is available at:
Additional signposting and support available here:
For more information, please contact us at

Download and read Sight Scotland Statement of Redress letter
Statement of Redress Sight Scotland
Sight Scotland's statement of redress