A Rosyth resident has kickstarted an epic charity abseiling challenge to raise funds to support people with sight loss. 

Raymond Dixon, 52, who admits he is “not great with heights”, will take on abseils at several stunning cliffs and crags around the country in the coming months. 

He is fundraising for sight loss charity Sight Scotland. 

Raymond has been a residential care worker at Sight Scotland’s Edinburgh-based residential services for young adults with visual impairment and additional disabilities for four-and-a-half years. 

Raymond said: “I’m more attuned to the impact of sight loss through working in Sight Scotland’s services.  

“Sight loss is becoming more apparent in society. We’re an aging population, so more and more people are being impacted by a visual impairment, whether it’s someone receiving a sight loss diagnosis themselves or a friend or loved one, or someone else they know. 

“By taking part in this challenge, I’m hoping to raise some funds for a great charity, and also raise awareness that there is support there for people with sight loss from Sight Scotland. The charity provides supports to people with sight loss of all ages.” 

Raymond will be taking part in his challenge alongside his pals Gary and Scott Stockdale, who are abseiling for Alzheimer Scotland. 

With their first abseil at The Hawkcraig at Aberdour already conquered, upcoming abseiling sights for the trio include Trapain Law at Haddington, Kilsyth Cliffs, Craigie Barns at Dunkeld, Rosyth Quarry and the North Buttress, at Buachaille Etive Mor on Glencoe. 

Raymond said: “I wanted to support my friends by doing the challenge alongside them. And I wanted to show my support for Sight Scotland by taking it on as one of their Sight for Sight challenges – celebrating some of my favourite Scottish sights and raising funds for the charity. 

“I first learned to climb with Gary and Scott 33 years ago. They taught me. I used to be quite experienced, but I’ve not really climbed for over ten years. 

“The sights we’re planning to abseil at are pretty much all areas we have previously climbed in but not abseiled yet. The longest and hardest one we have coming up is at the North Buttress at Buachaille Etive Mor on Glencoe.  

“It’s also a challenge for me because I’m not actually that good with heights. I’m not scared of heights; it’s more being scared of falling. The exposure up there on a cliff is actually quite a scary thing. 

“We’re also thankful to Decathlon Edinburgh who have sponsored us with ropes for our challenge. 

“Any donations at all in support of my fundraising challenge would be hugely appreciated. Sight Scotland is a brilliant charity and they really make a difference for people with sight loss and their families with their specialist support.” 

To donate to Raymond’s Sight for Sight fundraising challenge, please visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/raymond-dixon.


Find out more about how you can get involved and take on a Sight for Sight challenge for Sight Scotland.