We exist thanks to our generous supporters, and we can grow with your support.

In return, we aim to be as transparent as possible about how we're run. This means you can trust your money is used wisely, that the changes we make are long term, and our funding goes as far as possible. 

We want to be there for everyone facing the challenge of sight loss.

There are an estimated 183,000 people in Scotland living with sight loss, and we know a rising number of people will be impacted by sight loss in the next few decades. Without support from our experts, sight loss can be a scary place to be.  

We can grow to help more people with the help of our generous supporters. We are very grateful for the donations that we receive. And in return, we promise to be as open as possible so you can be sure your money is being used sensibly.

Every donation we receive is a vital step towards achieving Sight Scotland’s goal of supporting more people with sight loss to lead a good and full life.

Throughout our long history, donations have enabled us to educate, care for, and provide opportunities to people adapting to sight loss.

Today, we are facing up to the challenge of increasing our support where we are needed most.

Ciaran, a young man who stays at the Allermuir residential unit, uses a white cane

We are committed to spending wisely. We ensure we have strong financial management, with plans mapped out for the long term.


We make sure our funds go as far as possible for our affiliated charities, and each year we provide full annual reports and financial statements with detailed information about where your money goes at both of our charities.


We are certain it is money well invested, and we hope you’ll agree.