Did you know some train stations in Scotland don't have tactile paving?


Mind the Gap

A lack of tactile paving at train stations poses serious safety risks for many blind and partially sighted people.

Write to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport to call for tactile paving in all train stations in Scotland.



Without tactile paving to indicate where the platform ends, visually impaired people face a serious risk to their safety and could fall onto the train tracks. Accessible train travel is vital to ensure people with visual impairment can travel safely and independently.

That's why we're calling for tactile paving in all train stations in Scotland.

In August 2023, the then Minister for Transport confirmed phase 1 of the tactile paving at 18 stations was completed in March 2022. Network Rail has pledged to work with Scotrail to install tactile paving on all remaining rail platforms in Scotland by the end of 2023. 

With this deadline been and gone, there are now 7 remaining stations left to be upgraded - Addiewell, Dundee, Aberdeen, Cupar, Springburn, Neilston, Prestwick Town and are due to be completed by June 2024. 

Write to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport to call for tactile paving in all train stations in Scotland, now!