Sight Scotland, Sight Scotland Veterans and Epilepsy Scotland have welcomed the news that the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has recalled epilepsy medication that contained a braille error on the packaging. 

The charities were deeply concerned that approximately 70% of the affected batches had been repackaged with incorrect braille, indicating the strength as 1000mg instead of 500mg. Despite this error, the MHRA previously decided not to recall the medication, citing that the quality of the tablets themselves is not compromised.

Sight Scotland, Sight Scotland Veterans, and Epilepsy Scotland recently wrote a letter to the MHRA demanding action and are now pleased that Doncaster Pharma is recalling the medication.

“In our joint letter with Epilepsy Scotland we demanded swift and decisive action to ensure that such oversights do not continue to jeopardise the health and safety of blind and partially sighted individuals. We are now satisfied that this has happened.”

- Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, comments: “We were deeply concerned and shocked that this decision was not taken sooner. The MHRA initially advised healthcare professionals to verify whether patients or carers depend on braille before dispensing the medication and to provide alternative batches if necessary. However, we had serious concerns about the consistency of this approach, potentially placing many people with vision impairment in dangerous situations. Accurate dosage is crucial, particularly with Keppra, one of the most prescribed anti-seizure medications."


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