"Sight Scotland Veterans helps me meet friends and takes you to places you might not have gone before. The charity provides me with outings that open up one's horizons to various locations and experiences. Meeting and conversing with other people who have sight loss gives you some comfort in knowing that you're not alone."
No one should have to face sight loss alone. Sadly, veterans experiencing sight loss often tell us they have felt lonely or become isolated due to their visual impairment – particularly if they are older.
We understand the vital importance of social connections, and strive to bring people out of loneliness and social isolation.
Whether it’s sharing experiences of sight loss or time in the Armed Forces, or a friendly chat about something else entirely, engaging with others can make a big difference. Our social opportunities are the perfect way to get out and about and make new connections.
We know that by bringing veterans together with other veterans, we can break down fear and apprehension about life with sight loss. We provide opportunities to connect. Often, speaking to someone who has been through similar challenges can be reassuring.

Get support to make new connections
Do you know a veteran with sight loss who'd like to meet some new faces? Complete our enquiry form and we'll give you or them a call shortly.
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Sight Loss Councils Scotland
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