Special occasion giving 

Whether you are celebrating your wedding, birthday or anniversary you can support our work while celebrating with your family and friends. 

All you need to do is get in touch with our team at hello@sightscotlandveterans.org.uk who will be happy to help. 

In memory 

Donating to Sight Scotland Veterans in memory of a loved one is a profound and fitting way to celebrate their life whilst helping others. If you would like to support our work in memory of a loved one and help people living with significant sight loss, there are several ways that you can.

Gifts in Lieu of Flowers

If you would like to request donations in lieu of flowers - friends and family can donate online, call, or leave their donation with the Funeral Director who will pass it on to us if you request. 

Fundraise in memory

If you would like to fundraise in memory of a loved one, you can set up a personal page at JustGiving.com to collect donations from friends and family. Set up your page now.

Or you can create an In Memory Fund.  A Fund can be created to remember a loved one, while at the same time supporting veterans with sight loss across Scotland. It’s a hopeful, inspiring and meaningful way to honour a life that you care about. You can upload photos, videos and the music that they enjoyed as a reminder to others of their life.  
How to create an In Memory Fund.

Arrange a funeral collection

Gathering to remember the life of a loved one at a funeral or memorial service is an emotional time - holding a collection with family and friends is a positive and comforting way to help celebrate this life.
We can provide donation envelopes which can be distributed for family and friends to donate and forward on to Sight Scotland following the service.

We know that it can be a difficult time for those who have lost a loved one but if you would like to discuss any of the above in confidence, please contact us on 0131 446 3089 or email hello@sightscotlandveterans.org.uk.