Amy adores Christmas.
Amy was born blind and has no light perception. But she loves throwing crackly tinsel on the branches and wrapping trees with strings of Christmas lights. She loves the smell of pine and feeling the shapes and textures of decorations as she hangs them on branches.
Amy stays at our residential service on weekdays. She has been learning at the Royal Blind School since she was 7 years old. She loves to hang up Christmas lights and feel the warmth of the lights in her fingers, even though she cannot see the light.
Some of Amy’s housemates can sense light and different colours and love to interact with the sensory light equipment. This winter, we hope to provide new sensory light equipment to the children and young people who live in our residential services. The children and young people would use the equipment every day for stimulation and enjoyment, supporting their development.
Please consider donating to help us give new sensory equipment to Amy and all those in our residential service. Donate here.

We tailor our sessions to the specific needs of each child or young person. We would love to use some new sensory light equipment to create some interactive experiences for children. Those with some vision can use their limited sight to enjoy the random colours and shapes to help relax and unwind.
Help us light up Christmas!
Maybe it has been a little while since you last made a donation? Then you may be interested in helping us to raise funds for sensory equipment for all those who live in our residential service.
Here are some frequently asked questions about Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a government scheme that enables charities to claim the basic rate of tax on donations you have made to a charity. This means that if you're a tax payer, your donations are increased by 25% at no extra cost to you! So for every £1 donated, we can claim back 25p.
Your donation will qualify as long as you have paid at least as much Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax as the amount of Gift Aid the charity will claim on your donation. You must inform the charity if you stop paying enough tax or if you want to cancel your declaration. Find out more on the UK Government’s website.
You are entitled to cancel your declaration at any time. You need to let us know that you want to cancel the declaration. You can call us on 0131 446 3089 or email us at